The mk2000a and the c1-a remote control, Remote heat only, Full pendant operation – MK Products MK 2000A User Manual
Page 19

MK 2000A - Owner's Manual - Page 19
symmetrically controlled. Excessive rise time may result in the pulse never
reaching the set value. With the width set at a high percentage, excessive
rise time will prevent the output from dropping back to the “background” value.
All functions may be remotely controlled by application of a -0- to 10 V. Direct
Current level to the appropriate pins of the remote connector and placing the
control switch in the “Remote” position. (See Page 20)
Control Summary - 0% to 100% dial settings (Calibration is in percent of
maximum value given).
Background Level 0 to 50 volts, 0-300 amperes
Background Slope 0 volts per ampere (CV) to 0 amperes per volt (CC)
Pulse Level 0 to 50 volts, 0-300 amperes
Pulse Slope 0 volts per ampere (CV) to 0 amperes per volt (CC)
Inductance 0 to 3 millihenries equivalent
Pulse Rate 20 to 2000 pulses per second
Pulse Height 0 to 50 volts, 0 to 300 amperes
Pulse Width 0 to l/pulse frequency
Pulse Time 200 msec to no rise
(see graph)
The following Figures show control characteristics:
Figure 9
Background Slopw & Pulse Slope
Figure 10
Background Level & Pulse Level
Figure 11
Output Wave Form - 50% Pulse Width vs Frequency
Figure 12
Pulse Rise Time vs Dial Settings
The MK2000A and the C1-A Remote Control
The 25 pin D connector on the front panel of the MK2000A enables the power
supply to be remotely controlled through 0 to 10V analog commands. To use
an existing C1-A Pendant, P/N 001-0002, with the MK2000A, the following
25 pin "D" connector cable assembly must be used: P/N 843-0306. When
the C1-A pendant is used in conjunction with the MK2000A, several operating
modes are avialable.
Remote Heat Only
Set desired parameter on power supply, insuring that the mode selector
switch is in the “heat” position. Placing switch 10 in the remote position now
removes the heat control from the front panel to the C1-A pendant.
Full Pendant Operation
Placing switches 1 - 10 in remote provides full C1-A type operation.
Because the C1-A is calibrated to the MK2000’s 40 volt range rather than the
MK2000A’s 50 volt range, it may be necessary to recalibrate the C1-A Pendant.
When recalibration is necessary, consult the factory for procedure instructions.