Introduction, Examples, Visual javabean support in different ides – MiG InfoCom MiG Calendar JavaBeans Guide User Manual
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MiG InfoCom AB
MiG Calendar's Visual JavaBean(s) makes the component
very easy to use and configure, especially in combination
with a visual programming tool, sometimes called a RAD-tool
(Rapid Application Development), such as IntelliJ IDEA,
NetBeans, JBuilder, JFormDesigner, SwingDesigner (Eclipse)
and Eclipse's Visual Editor .
The JavaBean classes are wrapper classes around the
different parts of the framework rather than sub classes of
the same. This is for increased decoupling, which means that
one part can be enhanced without being constrained by the
other, optionally more efficient packaging.
All JavaBean classes, including the support classes, reside in
the com.miginfocom.beans.* package. The API
documentation for all properties of these classes is as usual
in the provided JavaDoc HTML pages installed with the
This document will provide information on how to use the
MiG Calendar component's JavaBean classes. For a more
thorough explanation of every property please use the
MiG Calendar comes with examples for the JavaBeans. They
are created with netBeans 5.5. and can be imported directly
and be used for testing, code copying or running.
They are in the installation folder under examples. E.g.
C:\Program Files\MiG InfoCom\MiGCalendar6\examples\
These examples are importable to Eclipse using the plugins
Visual Editor or Swing Designer (Note! In Swing Designer
there's a bug that makes all non-visual components non-
parsable. This was confirmed in the daily build 2007-02-15).
Visual JavaBean Support in Different IDEs
MiG Calendar JavaBeans Guide
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