MiG InfoCom MiG Calendar JavaBeans Guide User Manual
Page 28

MiG InfoCom AB
also filtered on sub row type. There are five types of filter:
All – Applies to all types of rows
All Folders – Apples to all types of folder rows
Folded Folder – Only applies to folder rows that are
Expanded Folder – Only apples to folder rows that
are folded (collapsed)
Leafs – Only applies to leaf rows. i.e. rows without
sub rows.
This means that the normal Repetition concept is expanded
into another dimension to set up sub groups of repetitions.
Those sub groups does not affect each other. If there are no
sub groups defined (all elements have “All” selected for
“Applies to:”) all cells in the category header will look the
same. There will thus be no difference between folder and
leaf cells.
You can see and select the filter type for the sub row element
you are editing on the upper left corner of the dialog.
Some examples:
Example 1
One DefaultSubRowLevel that applies to All cell types and all
Since all rows will use this single element, all rows will look
the same. There is no difference between the labels for folder
or leaf rows.
Example 2
Two DefaultSubRowLevels that applies to All cell types. The
first only applies to the first row and the second applies to all
rows (indexes).
The first header row will get the settings from the first
element (DefaultSubRowLevel) since it is asked before the
second one, even though the second element apples to all
rows. Row two and all following rows will get its settings from
the second element since the first element only apples to the
first row. There are no different settings for different folder
rows or leafs and there will thus be no different look for
folder and leaf cells.
MiG Calendar JavaBeans Guide
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