MiG InfoCom MiG Calendar JavaBeans Guide User Manual
Page 22

MiG InfoCom AB
You create the DateHeaderBean as you would any other non-
visual bean, normally by dragging it to the GUI workspace.
Then you set the header as a property on the DateAreaBean.
There is one property per side and they are:
northDateHeader, southDateHeader, westDateHeader,
If you add two adjacent date headers there will be a corner
that is either filled with one of the headers or it will be
painted in the date area’s background paint. Every date
header has a property expandToCorner which let it optionally
expand into the corner before, after or both. If two date
headers are both set to expand into the same corner the
order is undefined.
Note that you can also directly on the DateAreaBean set the
corner to any JComponent of your choosing (actually the
headers as well). This has to be done manually in code
though. See the addComponent(JComponent component,
String side, int order) for how to do this.
MiG Calendar JavaBeans Guide
Page 22 / 45
Illustration 7: The rows in a