Plug-in window, Channelstrip's user interface, 54 7.7. garageband's plug-in settings – Metric Halo ChannelStrip 3 User Manual

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AU Hosts (Mac)


Click on the slider icon to open the ChannelStrip UI.

Figure 7.6: ChannelStrip's User Interface

Plug-in Window

The illustration below shows the settings in the GarageBand plug-in window.

Figure 7.7: GarageBand's Plug-in Settings

On: This checkbox lets you turn the plug-in's processing on and off.
Preset list: Clicking on this menu will allow you to select from ChannelStrip's presets. The "Manual"

setting starts as a blank slate where you can make your own adjustments. You can select a preset to get
a different sound, then switch back to Manual to hear the settings you dialed in.

If you have made adjustments to ChannelStrip that you would like to use again, select "Make Preset…"
and name your preset. You will now be able to use these settings on other tracks, and in other songs.