Asynchronous serial port, Enabling of outputs, Time capture inputs – Meinberg TCR170PEX User Manual

Page 18

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The default configuration for the pulse outputs is:


Pulse each second (PPS), active HIGH, pulse duration 200 msec


Pulse each minute (PPM), active HIGH, pulse duration 200 msec


DCF77 Simulation

Asynchronous serial port

TCR170PEX provides two asynchronous serial RS-232 interfaces. COM0 is availab-
le at the D-Sub connector, COM1 can be found at a contact strip of the module. The
serial ports are sending a time string in the format ‘Standard Meinberg’, ‘Uni
Erlangen’, or ‘SAT’ either once per second, once per minute or on request with
ASCII ‘?’ only. Furthermore they can be set up to send telegrams containing time
capture events automatically or on request. The format of these telegrams is descri-
bed in the ‘Technical Specifications’. The transmission speed and the framing can be
set via the PCI-bus by using the shipped monitor software. The serial interface
COM0 is used for a potential firmware update also. The serial interfaces transmit the
time zone set up in the appropriate menu. A potential offset to UTC must be set

If a serial interface sends capture events automatically, they can’t
be read via the PCI-bus, because they are deleted from the buffer
memory after transmission.

Enabling of outputs

As standard, the generator, the pulse outputs, the serial interfaces and the frequency
synthesizer are switched off after power up until the receiver is synchronized. By
using the monitor software TCR170PEX can be set up to enable the outputs immedi-
ately after reset without synchronization. This setting can be done independant for
the pulses, the serial interface and the synthesizer.

Enabling of the generator is coupled with the pulses, because
generation of time codes is synchronized by the pulse per second

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