Number of correct telegrams, Activate datalogger, Delete logfiles after * days – Meinberg C28COM User Manual
Page 18
Number of correct telegrams
Whenever the time adjustment service reads the reference time from the radio clock,
transmission errors may occur which could lead to a faulty time. The parameter
„Number of correct telegrams“ specifies how many correct time telegrams must be
received in succession before the time adjustment service accepts the current telegram.
In addition, the service makes a plausibility check of each single telegram and of the
given number of consecutive telegrams before accepting the information sent by the
radio clock and adjusting the system time.
Activate datalogger
The datalogger may be used to record the activities of the time adjustment service in a
data file. Seperate files will be generated for each day which are stored in the
installation directory of the driver software. The adjustments of the system time and
the status of the radio clock are stored in the data file. The times given in the logfile are
based on UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).
The name of a data file has the following structure:
YY: year
MM: month
DD: day
The file named „010410.txt“ would be the logfile of April, 10th, 2001 for example.
Extract from a logfile:
Start monitor
Reference time not valid
clock synchronous
set time: 07:00:53,00
corr: 0,01 Sek
set time: 07:01:54,50
corr: 0,07 Sek
Exit monitor