Measurement Computing IEEE-1284 ECP User Manual
Wavebook/516 users

Instructions for IEEE-1284 ECP Compatibility
August 2000
481-0903, rev 1.0
Upgrading Wavebooks for IEEE-1284 ECP Compatibility
Upgrading your WaveBook/516 or WaveBook/512 for IEEE-1284 ECP compatibility involves replacing the existing
ECP FPGA chip located on the main printed circuit board. Your new chip is part number 262-0301 B.
Note: WaveBook/512 series users refer to page 2 of this document before proceeding.
Turn power off to the WaveBook and all connected devices before performing the
Components are sensitive to damage from electrostatic discharge. Perform the setup in
a static-free work area using tools, wrist strap, containers, and procedures that are
WaveBook/516 Users
1. After removing the WaveBook/516 from power, remove the top cover plate. To remove the plate you must
first remove four screws (2 on each side) that secure the plate to the main chassis.
2. Verify that the unit’s main board is either: 489-4000 REV D, or 489-4000 REV E. Revision information is
located on the main PCB in the lower right component side of the board (when BNCs are towards the
viewer). Note that the part number and revision are etched in copper and are not part of the white
silkscreen. If you have a PCB that is rev C or earlier, please contact us by phone at (440) 439-4091 or by
e-mail at
3. Remove the option card by unscrewing 2 screws and gently lifting the card from connectors (J10 and J11.)
WaveBook/516 – Location Reference for Replacing Chip at U52
4. Locate the Actel ECP FPGA (p/n 262-0301) at U52. Note the proper orientation of the device. Pin 1
should be in the middle of the rightmost row of pins. U52 should be a socket, if it is not please contact us
by phone at (440) 439-4091 or by e-mail at
In step 3: Remove the option
card from J10 and J11.
In step 5: Remove ECP FPGA at U52.
In step 6: Replace the chip with part
number 262-0301 B.