Measurement Computing LabVIEW VIs User Manual
Page 10
Adding Device Sections
Adding Digital channels to the VI diagram follows the preceding steps with the exception
of where the Digital IO channel configuration VI is located. For Example if you wished
to add Digital Inputs to the preceding diagram you would:
(a) Delete the existing wires either to the left or right of
the DBK80.
(b) Make space available to insert the Digital IO
configuration VI.
(c) Browse to the Digital Input Configuration VI
[specific to your device].
(d) Insert the new VI into the diagram.
(e) Connect the wires.
(f) Create the Digital Control.
Adding a Second Device
Adding a second device to a VI is very similar
to adding a device section or DBK expansion.
However, note that device names must be
Using Device Names on Subsequent VI’s with Multiple Devices
When multiple devices exist, the device name parameter is passed to DBK expansion and
device section VI’s to determine how the connections inter-relate and which main device
is to be utilized in the case of more advanced triggering.
DaqIO LabVIEW Support VIs User’s Guide