Measurement Computing PCI-COM232 User Manual

Page 13

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Port Identification

The PCI-COM232/4 ports are identified as Ports 1, 2, 3 or 4 directly on the RS-232 I/O connectors. The
PCI-COM232/2 port identities are shown in Figure 3-4 below:

Figure 3-4. PCI-COM232 Board Port Locations


Changing the COM Po rt assignments

In Windows 95/98, the PCI-COM ports are automatically installed, starting at COM5 if it is available, or
the next available port, if not. Other ports on multi-port boards will be assigned in numeric sequence after
the first port installed. If you wish to change the board’s initial COM Port number (e.g. from COM5: to
COM3), please follow the instruction provided below. Additional ports on the board will also be changed
so that the COM port assignments are sequential.

Right click on My Computer
Click on Properties
Click on the Device Manager tab
Click on MultiFunction.
Click on PCI-COM.
Click on Resources
Uncheck the Automatic Settings box

Note the I/O ranges listings. There will be one more range listed than the number of ports
provided on your board (e.g. the two port board will have three ranges listed). The first range +/-
10 is a shared interrupt status register and should not be changed. Subsequent ranges are the
actual COM port addresses.

Change the first port on your board to COM3: by following the instructions below.

Double click on the second I/O range listed. Highlight the complete listing type; 03e8-03ef and
click OK. Windows will then notify you that you have made changes that may affect other
devices. Click OK.

If you are installing a multi-port board, you will want to install the board’s second port as
COM4:. To do this double click on the third I/O range, highlight the complete listing type; 02e8-
and click OK. Once again windows will alert you that you have made modifications that
may affect other devices. Click OK.