Mega Catch MCU-800 Ultra User Manual
Page 6

12. The ULTRA Trap comes with the Mega-Catch Variable Quantity Slow CO
Gas Release
System. Use of this system is entirely optional (see page 10, Mega-Catch Variable
Quantity Slow CO
Gas Release System section). If using the Mega-Catch Variable
Quantity Slow CO
Gas Release System then you will first need to obtain a CO
(see page 13, CO
Gas Suppliers section). Having obtained a CO
cylinder, connect the
Low-Pressure Gas Regulator (supplied with the Trap) to the Gas Cylinder ensuring
beforehand that the O ring on the Gas Regulator is properly in place and undamaged.
Then connect the Regulator to the Trap (see page 11, Connecting the ULTRA to the
Gas Supply section). Slowly turn on the CO
gas checking for leaks. Set the gas
setting using the Gas Select button on the Programmable Timer (see page 12-13,
Operation of Variable Quantity Slow CO
Gas Release System section). Setting #1
is low. Setting #5 is high. (NOTE: you will need to reset the gas setting if the power
is turned off).
13. Your ULTRA Trap comes with a low-voltage transformer and a 60-foot (18-meter) low-
voltage extension cord with weatherproof connectors. Plug the extension cord into the
Trap connection turning the connector clockwise until tight. Plug the extension cord
into the transformer cable turning the connector clockwise until tight. Then plug into
the power supply. (NOTE: The connectors are designed to be a tight fit to ensure that
they are weatherproof.)
14. Turn on the power. A display should appear on the face of the Timer. (If it does not,
see Page 14-15, Operation of the Programmable Timer section). Set the Timer to
"ON" for continuous running or to "AUTO" to program operating times. See Page 14-
15, Operation of the Programmable Timer section for programming instructions.
15. If the U.V. Bulb inside the Trap is not on then turn it on by touching the switch on the
Programmable Timer which is marked U.V. Tube. When the Trap is operating, the Fan
should be running, the four Diode Lights should be flashing intermittently, the U.V. Bulb
should be on (unless switched off) and the Trap should click every 75-80 seconds. If
the Trap is not operating correctly then re-read these instructions or refer to page 28
Problem Solving section, or email us at [email protected].