Connecting the ultra to the co2 gas supply – Mega Catch MCU-800 Ultra User Manual
Page 13

Connecting the ULTRA to the CO2 Gas Supply
Before attempting to use the Variable Quantity Slow CO
Gas Release System you must first
follow these instructions (also see figure 3.2 below):
1. The ULTRA comes with a low-pressure CO
gas regulator and a length of low pressure
gas line to connect the Regulator to the Trap.
2. Check to ensure that the O-ring on the Gas Regulator is properly in place and
undamaged. (Note: the gas pressure setting of the Gas Regulator has been set in the
factory and cannot be adjusted. For this reason the knob on the Gas Regulator is
redundant, i.e. turning the knob has no effect on the operation of the Gas Regulator).
3. Attach the Gas Regulator onto the threaded section of the Gas Cylinder and tighten
firmly using a suitable sized wrench. Note: if the threads do not match then contact
your gas supplier (see page 13, CO
Gas Suppliers section).
ATTENTION: Do not turn on the CO
gas supply from the Gas Cylinder until you have
fitted the low-pressure Gas Regulator. Direct contact with liquid CO
may result in injury.
Gas Cylinders (empty or full) which do not have a low-pressure Regulator firmly
connected should be securely locked away out of reach of children. We recommend that
Gas Cylinders be moved around using a Mega-Catch Trolley which has been specially
designed for this purpose.
FIG 3.2 -Connection of trap to CO2 gas cylinder
Push gas line firmly into black collet fitting
in panel on rear of Mega Catch unit
Wheel to turn gas flow on / off
Gas Cylinder
Push gas line firmly
into orange collet fitting
on regulator unit
Low pressure
CO2 gas regulator