Lynx Studio LT-TB Thunderbolt User Manual

Page 44

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assumed that the application uses the Windows default audio device. To use the desired
Aurora output as the system default:

With Windows 7 /Windows 8 navigate to:
Start > Control Panel > Sound > Playback. Right-Click the desired Lynx Aurora TB output
device and choose “Set as default device”. Note: With Multiple Auroras, the device IDs can
be misrepresented here. See

Section 8.14: Configure for use


Even when 24 or 32-channel mode is selected for the Aurora, 8 stereo WDM play and record
devices will appear to the operating system (all 24 or 32 channels will show when ASIO is
used). Play devices are labeled as Aurora Speakers (this is equivalent to Play 1+2), Aurora
Play 3+4, Aurora Record 1+2, Aurora Record 3+4, etc. These are pre-configured to connect
to appropriate hardware I/O on the Aurora by default, although this can be user altered in the
Lynx Mixer Play Panel. So for instance, Play 1+2 streams to Analog Outpus 1+2, Record
1+2 receives signals from analog inputs 1+2, etc.

As an example, if you wish to have a multimedia/WDM application stream to Aurora Analog
Output 7+8, you would choose Aurora 7+8 as the play device. If the software did not allow
device selection and only used the Windows default play device, then you would set the
Windows Default in the Sound Section of Control Panel to Aurora 7+8.

It is possible for WDM applications to stream to the digital outputs instead of analog on an
Aurora 16. The settings involved would be relative to the channel mode you were in. If you
are in 16-channel mode, then all signals will be sent simultaneously to the Analog and Digital
Outputs. For instance, if audio is sent to Play 3+4, audio would stream to Analog Out 3+4
AND Digital Out 3+4 at the same time. If you are in 24 or 32 channel mode, you would need
to assign Play Devices 1-16 to the Aurora Digital Outputs. You do this in the Lynx Mixer,
with the Play and Output panes. See

Section 7: Lynx Mixer Reference

for details.

An Aurora 8 displays a maximum of 16 channels, so its analog and digital outputs will be
available automatically. WDM Multi-Channel Playback and Recording

The Aurora-TB is capable of playing back and recording multi-channel interleaved audio,
such as 5.1 surround sound. The driver supports playback of up to 16 channel audio through
a single Play device.

For playback, several conditions must be met for successful multi-channel playback.


The only driver device that supports multi-channel interleaved operation is
“Speakers”. If your playback software allows you to select the play device
specifically, choose “Aurora Speakers”. If it does NOT allow you to choose the
output device, and uses the system default instead, then set the default play device
in the Sound section of control panel to “Aurora Speakers”


In the Sound Section of Control Panel, select “Speakers” and then click the
“Configure” button. Set the AUDIO CHANNELS selection to your desired
playback format: 5.1, 7.1, quad, etc.