Lynx Studio LT-TB Thunderbolt User Manual

Page 39

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Adapter Settings

This page is for assigning the order for each unit in a multi-
Aurora configuration. Current operating systems can alter
device order for a variety of reasons. This can be problematic
when a system is configured around a static device order. This
page solves that by insuring that the intended device order
does not change.

For instructions on how to use this tool, see section


Setting Device Order


Record Dither Type

Dither corrects for potential
truncation artifacts when
recording at a bit depth less than
the conversion bit-depth, which
on an Aurora is always 24-bit.
The Aurora’s dither function is

only activated when recording files at bit-depths less than 24 bit. This option provides
selection of the type of dither used on all record channels. The following options are
Triangular: Enables the addition of triangular probability density dither. Triangular is the
preferred dither type in most cases.
Rectangular: This type of dither decreases the signal-to-noise ratio by 3 dB (less than
triangular), but is less desirable because of its noise modulation effects.

Allow Clock Change If Active

This option allows the Current Clock Source to be changed even when the Aurora is being
used by an audio application. Please note: there will be an audible glitch when a clock source
is changed during playback or recording of audio. With the Allow Clock Change if Active
option OFF (the default), changing the Preferred Clock Source will not change the Current
Clock Source until the driver is no longer being utilized by a software application.

Mixer Lock

When checked, enables a locking feature that prevents changes to any of the mixer controls
by any application, including the Lynx Mixer.