Lynx Studio LT-USB User Manual
Page 24

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This button will function normally. See the Aurora manual for information.
When the METER select switch is set to “Analog”, this button normally allows the
nominal trim level to be set for the analog inputs and outputs. In “Lock Out” mode, this
button will not be active, and trims can be set for the Analog inputs and outputs from
within the Aurora Remote Control application. If the trim value for any analog I/O is
altered from within the software, both the +4 dBu and –10 dBV LEDs will be
illuminated, indicating that this parameter is being controlled remotely.
When the METER select is set to “Digital”, this control allows configuration of the
AES/EBU digital I/O. In “Lock Out” mode, the button will not be active, but the LEDs
will reflect the dual-wire state for the digital inputs and outputs.
This button will function normally. See the Aurora manual for information.