Luxi Electronics TPR-150CR User Manual
Page 3

Phone: +1 (949) 654-2047
Address: Irvine, CA, USA
Document name: TPR-150CR quick start guide Revision: 1.01
Date: 6/24/2015
Specifications are subject to change without notice
Luxi Presenter TPR-150CR RS-232 commands
Rev 1.18
Daisychain commands
Destination box
All other boxes
External host
to MCU
MCU to external host
MCU to external
MCU to external
System information commands
Max Tx=M ¶
Max Rx=N¶
Me=Txm¶ or Me=Rxn ¶
Unsolicited message when system
status changes
Host to send "q" after receiving this "Reset" from the
device; this happens after device detects any changes
in the daisy-chain, or after daisy chain IC reboots and
sync the UART port
Signal routing commands
AV Txm live¶
AV Txm live¶
AV Txm live¶
AV Rxn live¶
AV Rxn live¶
AV Rxn live¶
Send video from source Txm to all
displays and audio from source Txm
to audio sinks on the Audio Sink
Distribution List, same behavior for
'Show Me' button when pressed from
m *s
AV Txm live¶
AV Txm live¶
AV Txm live¶
Any device can send, daisy chain req is sent to Txm
to broadcast to all Rx. The response is sent to all Tx
and Rx boxes. The next broadcast command will
change the source but maintain the audio distribution
list. The broadcast will be turned off by the next point
to point route command in row 13.
Define devices Rxn1 , n2 , n3 and n4
to be on the Audio Sink Distribution
n1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 S
Audio Sink Rxn1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 live¶
Audio Sink
Rxn1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 live¶
Audio Sink
Rxn1 ,n2 ,n3 ,n4 live¶
This list needs to be setup repeatedly at each Tx
device locally. Use pass thru command in row 18 to
send to each Tx one by one if setup is done from an
external controller at one location. The MCU of each
Tx will then send the command locally to the daisy
chain IC. The current list will be replaced by the next
(new) list command. If not defined, Rx1,Rx2,Rx3,Rx4
will be the default list. The response is send to all Tx
and Rx boxes
Pass thru commands
The external host connected to
Presenter x sending to the external
device connected to Presenter y to
control the functions of that external
x * y {xxxxx}Q
Add a leading "0" in front of any number associated
with a Rx device to distinguish from the Tx number.
Response send back to the host device. Maximum 25
charactors in bracket
The external device connected to
Presenter y sending the response
back to the external host connected
to Presenter x
Any message comes in to the RS-232 port on box y
within 1 seconds from the command in row 19 is
considerted a response to command 19 and will be
sent back to box x . MCU in box y will end the
response reception mode when seeing 1st carriage
return or 1s timer ending whichever happens first
The external host connected to
Presenter x sending to Presenter y
to control the functions of that
x * y (xxxxx)Q
Add a leading "0" in front of any number associated
with a Rx device to distinguish from the Tx number.
Response send back to the host device
Presenter y sending response back
to the external host connected to
Presenter x
Product information commands
Query device part number
Numeric and dash only
Query device firmware version
Numeric and dash only
System information commands
AV Txm live¶
AV Rxn live¶
If in AV broadcast mode (one source to all displays),
no need for this response
Query current live audio sinks
Audio Sink Rxn1,n2,n3,n4 live¶
EQ value reading
Input EQ value reading
Scaler commands
Factory default settings
Reset command
Reset to factory defaults
Tx input selection commands
Select local input x of Txm device
x s
Txm Input x live¶
From Txm device
Set auto sw on on Txm device
Txm auto sw on¶
From Txm device
Txm Input x live¶
2s (HDMI input)
(or) Txm auto sw on¶
Defeat Show Me sw on Txm device
Txm Show Me sw off¶
From Txm device
Allow Show Me sw on Txm device
Txm Show Me sw on¶
From Txm device
1A (Show Me sw allowed)
Txm Show Me sw on¶
(or) Txm Show Me sw off¶
Scaler commands
Initiate auto image on Txm device
Txm auto image on¶
From Txm device
Set output format to 720p on Txm
Txm output format 720p¶
From Txm device
1o (output 720p)
Set output format to 1080p on Txm
Txm output format 1080p¶
From Txm device
Set output format to 1080p on Txm
Txm output format pixel to pixel¶
From Txm device; Only supports 5 preset resolutions:
720p, 1080p, 1024x768, 1280x800, 1366x768
Txm output format 720p¶
(or) Txm output format 1080p¶
(or) Txm output format pixel to pixel¶
Set zoom level on Txm device
x z
Txm zoom level x¶
From Txm device; x has 6 possible values, 1 thru 6
1z (zoom level 1)
Query zoom level on Txm device
Txm zoom level x¶
From Txm device
Audio commands
From Txm device
Audio mute on
Txm audio mute on¶
From Txm device
Digital audio pass thru
Txm digital audio pass thru¶
From Txm device
1M (digital audio pass thru)
Audio mixing and embedding
Txm audio mixing and embedding¶
From Txm device
Query audio mode
Txm audio mute on¶
From Txm device
(or) Txm digital audio pass thru¶
From Txm device
(or) Txm audio mixing and embedding¶
From Txm device
RS-232 baud rate and protocol
9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
RS-232 port pin conf 1 = Tx, 2 = Rx, 3 = GND
Note: The italic and underlined letters represent decimal numeric numbers
¶ is CR/LF (carriage return/line feed) (HEX value 0D 0A)
Copyright C 2015 Luxi Electronics Corp
Query Show Me sw status on Txm
From Txm device
Query output format on Txm device
From Txm device
Query local input status
From Txm device
Handled locally at daisy chain FW from local device
Any device can send, daisy chain req is sent to Txm
and Rxn to create the video stream. The response is
sent to all Tx and Rx boxes
All commands below are local commands when the control host is connected directly to the Presenter device
To control a Presenter device remotely, place the local commands and responses below into pass thru command in line 22
Query current live source and
Local box
Query system size
Send video and audio from source m
to display n
m *n s