Dayton WT3 User Manual
Page 32

phase response (red) is seen to be near zero degrees at low frequencies and increases to 90 degrees at
high frequencies as expected for the simple (R-L) test circuit. The measured value of 0.9893 mH is in
good agreement with the inductor's nominal 1.0 mH rating. At 0.2422 Ohms the inductor's DC
resistance is nicely low as required for use in a passive crossover. Note that WT3 can measure
inductance at either 1kHz or 10 kHz based on the selection at the Preferences dialog. Measurement at
1 kHz is recommended for general use except when measuring inductors less than 0.5 mH or drivers
smaller than 6 inches in diameter where measurement at 10 kHz is likely to be more representative.