Directed Electronics AMX 8.5 User Manual

Page 21

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© 2 0 0 4 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

To remote start the vehicle:

1. Press

on the 2-way remote twice within 3 seconds.

2. The parking lights will flash to confirm that the vehicle will

attempt to start.

3. In gasoline vehicles, the engine will start 4 seconds after the

parking lights flash. In diesel vehicles, the engine will start

when the WAIT-TO-START indicator on the vehicle's dash

goes out.

4. Once the vehicle has started, it will run for the pre-program-

med period of time (either 12, 24, or 60 minutes - see

Programming Options section of this guide) or until a shut-

down input is triggered.

For a remote start, the remote responds with remote start tones

and the Yellow LED illuminates for 3-seconds.

For a remote start Off, the remote responds with remote start off

tones and the Yellow LED flashes 3-times.

When you are ready to drive the vehicle:

1. Insert the ignition key and turn

it to the ON (not the START)


2. Press the brake pedal.




ntt!! It is unsafe to operate a vehicle’s motor in a

garage or other closed off area. Breathing the exhaust
from the vehicle is hazardous to your health. Never acti-
vate the remote start in an enclosed space.