Gear system – HP Velotechnik Spirit User Manual

Page 32

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Gear System

With the gear system you can adjust the peda-
ling frequency, that means the number of revo-
lutions of the crank per minute, to the terrain
and the desired speed.

Your pedaling frequency should stay between
80-100 revolutions per minute and should not
fall below 60 while going uphill. If necessary
consult your local dealer and have him adapt
the gear range to your style of riding.

Your Spirit comes with DualDrive gear system
by SRAM that combines a 3-gear internal hub
gear system with an 8-gear derailleur gear to
24 gears in total, which are easy to handle.As
an option, you can order the Spirit with a 14-
gear internal hub gear system made by


or only a derailleur gear system.The

following section refers to the DualDrive gear
system only. Please also refer to the manual of
the gear manufacturer.

With the left-hand twist grip you operate the
hub gear system.You can turn the grip while
standing as well as while riding with or wi-
thout pedaling.The most comfortable and ea-
siest way to shift gears is to shift while peda-
ling with reduced power.

According to the terrain choose between the
uphill mode "I", standard mode "2" and speed
mode "3".We recommend you to ride mostly
in the standard mode since the transmission
then operates at highest efficiency.

With the right-hand twist grip you operate the
derailleur gear.You can only change the gears
while you keep pedaling, smoothly and without
applying great force, all the time that the chain
is moving between the sprockets.

Choose between the easiest gear "I" and the
heaviest gear "8".

Due to the long cables that expand under
pressure and the housing that compresses un-
der pressure, it may be helpful for changing ge-
ars quickly to turn the twist grip a little bit
farther than necessary to select a gear and
turn it back to the indexed position once the
chain has properly shifted ("overshift").

Riding a recumbent requires foresighted gear
shifting. Before stopping you should timely
change in a low gear to make it easy to start
off again, without having to pedal heavily strug-
gling with your balance.Also while standing
you can still operate the left-hand twist grip to
the uphill mode "I".

In case your gear system does not operate
smoothly any more or causes noise while pe-
daling, please have your gear system readjusted
again according to the instructions on page 35.

Gear system

Danger! Do practice shifting gears on a
traffic-free street. In the course of this, make
yourself familiar with the function of the
twist grip shifters. Doing this in traffic could
distract your attention from possible dan-