Adjusting y our ne w bik e – HP Velotechnik Spirit User Manual

Page 11

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Adjusting y

our ne

w bik




If the distance is too short you may suffer
from knee pain or your legs may bump on the

A wrong adjustment may lead to pain in your
knees and inefficient pedaling. In addition we
recommend to ride with a high pedalling ca-
dence, which means to pedal fast and with litt-
le pressure. Pedalling with too much pressure
may also lead to pain in the knees.You will find
more information about this on page 26.


The area wherein you move the seat is limited
to the front by a screw at the and of the rail.
The screw head keeps the seat from gliding
down off the rail and damages the surface of
the frame tube.Always take care that this
screw is placed in its hole at the right front of
the rail.

The seat rail has marks for easy length adjust-
ment.The maximum rear position is clearly
marked with a „max“ mark. Do not move the
seat further back once the front edges of the
front sliders are aligned with the „,max“ mark.

Since the rail is open at the rear end you can
take off the seat for transportation.

To reconnect the seat onto the rail adjust the
two sliders on the quick release lever axle pa-
rallel to each other and to the rail and move
the seat slowly onto the rail.

The easiest way to do it is when you park
your bicycle with the kickstand. Kneel down
behind the bicycle to have a good view on the
rail and the sliders.

Take care that your fingers do not get caught
between the rear rack and the frame and thus
get hurt while you move the seat.

Adjust the seat so that your knee will not be fully straightened
when pedaling.

Caution! The two quick releases have to be
closed firmly (tightening force 15–20 kg /
45 lbs.) to safely hold the seat.You must not
open them while riding.After they have been
closed the imprint "close" must be visible. If
the quick releases are not tightened appro-
priately the seat can move while riding and
you may no more be able to control your

Caution! The seat rail does not have a limi-
tation at the rear end. If you move the seat
too far back the rear sliders glide off the rail
so that you can't position the seat properly
anymore.Always take care to not move the
seat too far back.