Protective clothing, cleatless pedals, Handling instructions – HP Velotechnik Spirit User Manual

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Handling instructions

Wear protective clothing

Riding a bicycle is a potentially dangerous
sport where accidents can happen even when
you take care of every safety instruction pres-

We recommend you to wear an approved bi-
cycle helmet. Protect yourself by wearing spe-
cial sports clothing that fits tight and is reflec-

When you fall with a recumbent you usually
land on the side of your hips and your hands.
Wearing reinforced cycling shorts and gloves
reduces the danger of skin injuries considerab-

Use clipless pedals

On request, your Spirit comes with pedals that
have a binding system on one side.

As soon as you are comfortable with riding
your Spirit you should use those clipless pe-
dals. Due to the rigid connection between
shoe and pedal you don't have to keep your
foot on the pedals with pressure anymore.This
enables a more relaxed and round pedalling
movement where you may even pull a little on
the pedals.Without this connection to the pe-
dals your feet may come off suddenly, which
may result in a fall. Modern system pedals with
binding therefore contribute to safe riding.

A first you will have to practice with these pe-
dals to make sure that you can get off quickly
in a dangerous situation. Please note the manu-
al of the pedal manufacturer that comes with
the binding system and have your dealer ex-
plain the use of the pedals to you. In the begin-
ning set the release force of the binding to a
low value to make sure you can get off safely.

Please use exclusively the original shoe plates /
cleats from the manufacturer of the pedals, do
not use any other brand. If you use non-autho-
rized shoe plates the binding system can not
operate safely.

At first you will have to practice with these
pedals to make sure that you can get off quick-
ly in a dangerous situation. Please read the
manual of the pedal manufacturer that comes
with this manual and have your dealer explain
the use of the pedals to you. In the beginning
set the release force of the binding to a low
value to make sure you can get off safely.

Please use exclusively the original shoe plates /
cleats from the manufacturer of the pedals, do
not use any other brand. If you're using shoe
plates that are not authorised the binding sys-
tem won't work properly.

Protective clothing, cleatless pedals

Danger! Please note that you may be not
be very late or not at all by other road
users due to the low seat height and ride
anticipatory according to this.This is especi-
ally important while riding in darkness.You
yourself have a much better view than
others perceive you. Ride defensively.We re-
commend you to mount a well visible and
reflecting flag to the bicycle while using it in
traffic. Please ask your dealer for more in-