Hoefer TE70X User Manual

Page 23

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Open circuit or no output current 

Push circuit protection reset button located next to

for TE70X or TE77X 

the input leads. To prevent recurrence limit the input
voltage to 30 V and the current to 500 mA.

Early models: Blown fuse in protection circuit.
Replace 1.6 A micro fuse. (See Accessories in
Ordering information.)

Smeared or diffuse band patterns  

If equilibrating before the transfer, shorten or elimi-
nate the equilibration time and/or equilibrate under
coldroom conditions.

If the transfer buffer contains ≥10% methanol, equili-
brate the gel in transfer buffer for 30 minutes to allow
it to shrink before assembling the stack.
Note: Large proteins may not migrate as readily once
the pore size is slightly reduced.

Take care that the gel does not shift once it contacts
the membrane.

Buffer depletion can change the pH in the transfer
stack, and have a negative effect on the transfer. On
subsequent transfers, either shorten the transfer time,
reduce the current, or increase the number of buffer-
soaked blotting papers in the stack.

Check that the preferred binding surface of the
membrane (if any) contacts the gel.

Uneven band transfer 

The blotting paper and membrane must be the same
size as the gel or 1– 2 mm smaller. Larger sizes will
provide an electrical path for current to bypass the
gel solution.

Different proteins will transfer at different rates
depending on size and net charge.