Hoefer TE70X User Manual

Page 15

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Multiple gels: Either lay gels of the same thickness
side-by-side (Fig 3), or stack 2 sandwiches layered as
shown (Fig 4).
For best results, the transfer stack should be centered
in the electrode panels.
If two gels are stacked, separate them with porous
cellophane —

not plastic wrap! (Cellophane permits

electric current to pass but stops proteins.) Cut the
cellophane slightly smaller than the gel and wet with
transfer buffer.
Several sheets of buffer-soaked blotting paper on each
gel provides electrical continuity.


Place the Cover on top of the transfer stack. Do not
remove the cover until after the transfer is complete
in order to prevent stack components from moving.

Mask (optional)

Blotting paper, (2–3 sheets)

Blotting paper, (2– 3 sheets)



Note: When transferring multiple
gels, transfer efficiency depends
on such factors as gel thickness,
gel position in the stack, transfer
buffer, membrane type, and, most
importantly, the characteristics of
the protein. The gel closest to the
anode generally transfers the most
completely. It is preferable to lay
gels side-by-side rather than
stacking them.

Fig 3. Transfer stacks for gels
placed side-by-side.

Note: There must be no electrical
contact between the two stacks.