Herrmidifier Herrtronic RDU-D User Manual
Page 13

RDU-D Supplement
I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , & M a i n t e n a n c e M a n u a l
Figure 18 - MDS/MDM Control to (2) RDU-D Units
1. Disconnect wire number (16) from the common terminal of the differential pressure switch in the RDU-D unit
number (2). Remove the spade connector and cap with a wire nut.
2. Disconnect Blue wire number (5) from terminal strip number (1) on RDU-D unit number (1) remove the spade
connector and cap with a wire nut.
3. This wire is connected to RDU-D unit number (1) at terminal strip number (1). Position number (4) to the
RDU-D number (2) common terminal of the differential pressure switch.