Sensors, Overview, Remote sensors – Geist RAC User Manual
Page 31: Data logging and display

Revision Date: 09/03/2014
The internal temperature sensor is measured every 5 seconds. External sensors are measured
at approximately the same rate, depending on the number (1-4) of devices connected. Sensor
data collected by the Fan Controller gives useful trend analysis data that allows users to view
changes and draw useful conclusions about what is happening over time in the monitored
Items Displayed on Sensors Page
The RAC will display the following items on the Sensors page:
Set Point Temp: Displays the desired temperature set by the user.
Internal Temp: Displays measured temperature inside the unit in °C or °F.
Temp 1: Displays temperature measured by external sensor in °C or °F. This value will
read 0 °C or 32 °F until and external temperature sensor is connected.
Temp 2: Displays temperature measured by external sensor in °C or °F. This value will
read 0 °C or 32 °F until and external temperature sensor is connected.
Temp 3: Displays temperature measured by external sensor in °C or °F. This value will
read 0 °C or 32 °F until and external temperature sensor is connected.
Temp 4: Displays temperature measured by external sensor in °C or °F. This value will
read 0 °C or 32 °F until and external temperature sensor is connected.
Fan Speed: Percent, from 30-100 of maximum fan speed.
Remote Sensors
Available Sensors
RT-12: Temperature – 12 ft. cord
RT-20: Temperature – 20 ft. cord
Connecting Remote Sensors
Plug-and-play remote temperature sensors may be attached to the RAC at any time via the
RJ-12 connectors on the unit. Each sensor has a unique serial number and is automatically
discovered and added to the web page. Up to four temperature sensors may be connected.
Note: The display order of the sensors on the web page is determined by the internal serial
number of each sensor. Friendly names for each sensor can be customized on the Display
page. The RAC will only recognize RT (Temperature) sensors. The RAC uses the highest
temperature reading available when adjusting fan speed.
Note: The sensor uses Cat. 3 wire and RJ12 connectors. Wiring must be straight-through: reverse
polarity will temporarily disable all sensors until corrected.
Note: The sensors use a serial communication protocol and are subject to network signaling
constraints dependent on shielding, environmental noise, and length of wire. Typical installations
allow runs of up to 600 feet of sensor wire.