English – DeWalt N000589 User Manual

Page 9

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WARNING: RISk of elec tRI cAl Shock

WHat can HaPPen

HoW to PreVent It

• Spray di rect ed at elec tri cal

outlets or switch es, or ob jects

con nect ed to an elec tri cal

circuit, could re sult in a

fatal electrical shock.

• Unplug any elec tri cal ly

op er at ed product before

attempting to clean it. Direct

spray away from electric

out lets and switches.

WARNING: RISk of INjuRy fRom lIftING

WHat can HaPPen

HoW to PreVent It

• Serious injury can result

from attempting to lift too

heavy an object.

• The pressure washer is too

heavy to be lifted by one

person. Obtain assistance

from others before lifting.

Save theSe inStructionS

For Future uSe

Pressure Washer Assembly (Fig. 1)

1. Place handle assembly (O) onto frame, depress



the snap buttons, and slide the handle assembly

onto the frame (F) until snap buttons are secured

in place.

cAutIoN: Risk of personal injury. Avoid placing

hands between handle and frame when assembling

to prevent pinching.
2. Attach high-pressure



hose (P) to spray gun.

Make sure it is


3. Connect wand (E) to

spray gun. Make sure

connection is secure.

4. Thread the side handle (D) into spray


gun and tighten to desired position.

5. Place the nozzle holder (B) onto the

panel assembly (A) and push each

nozzle holder into place.