English – DeWalt N000589 User Manual
Page 7

• If proper starting procedure
is not followed, engine can
kickback causing serious
hand and arm injury.
• If engine does not start after
two pulls, squeeze trigger
of gun to relieve pump
pressure. Pull starter cord
slowly until resistance is felt.
Then pull cord rapidly to
avoid kickback and prevent
hand or arm injury.
• The spray gun/wand is
a powerful clean ing tool
that could look like a toy
to a child.
• Keep chil dren away from the
pressure washer at all times.
• Reactive force of spray
will cause gun/wand to
kickback, and could cause
the op er a tor to slip or fall
or misdirect the spray.
Im prop er control of gun/
wand can re sult in
in ju ries to self and
• Do not over reach or stand
on an unstable support.
• Do not use pressure washer
while standing on a ladder.
• Grip gun/wand firmly with
both hands. Expect the
gun to kickback when
DANGeR: RISk of INjuRy oR PRoP eR ty DAmAGe
WHat can HaPPen
HoW to PreVent It
• Fuel or oil can leak or spill
and could result in fire or
breathing hazard. Se ri ous
in ju ry or death can re sult.
Fuel or oil leaks will dam age
carpet, paint or oth er
surfaces in ve hi cles
or trailers.
• Oil could fill the cylinder and
damage the engine if the unit
is not stored or transported in
an upright position.
• If pressure washer is
equipped with a fuel shut-off
valve, turn the valve to the
OFF position before transport-
ing to avoid fuel leaks. If pres-
sure wash er is not equipped
with a fuel shut-off valve,
drain the fuel from tank before
trans port ing. Only trans port
fuel in an OSHA-approved
Al ways place pressure washer
on a protective mat when
transporting to protect against
dam age to vehicle from leaks.
Always transport and store
unit in an upright position.
Re move pres sure washer
from vehicle immediately upon
arrival at your destination.