English – DeWalt N000589 User Manual

Page 8

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WHat can HaPPen

HoW to PreVent It

• Over inflation of tires could

result in serious injury and

property damage.

• Use a tire pressure gauge

to check the tires pressure

before each use and while

inflating tires; see the tire side-

wall for the correct tire pres-


note: Air tanks,

compressors and similar

equipment used to inflate

tires can fill small tires similar

to these very rapidly. Adjust

pressure regulator on air

supply to no more than the

rating of the tire pressure.

Add air in small increments

and frequently use the tire

gauge to prevent over


• High-velocity fluid spray

directed at pneumatic tire

sidewalls (such as found

on automobiles, trailers and

the like) could damage the

sidewall resulting in serious


• On pressure washers rated

above 1600 PSI (11032 kPa)

use the widest fan spray

(40º nozzle) and keep the

spray a minimum of 8"

(20 cm) from the pneumatic

tire sidewall. Do not aim

spray directly at the joint

between the tire and rim.

WARNING: RISk of hot SuRfAceS

WHat can HaPPen

HoW to PreVent It

• Con tact with hot sur fac es,

such as engines exhaust

com po nents, could result in

se ri ous burn.

• During op er a tion, touch

only the control surfaces

of the pres sure washer.

Keep children away from

the pres sure washer at all

times. They may not be able

to recognize the haz ards of

this product.

WARNING: RISk of chemIcAl BuRN

WHat can HaPPen

HoW to PreVent It

• Use of acids, toxic or

corrosive chemicals, poisons,

in sec ti cides, or any kind of

flam ma ble solvent with this

product could re sult in se ri-

ous injury or death.

• Do not spray ac ids, gasoline,

ker o sene, or any other

flammable materials with this

product. Use only household

de ter gents, cleaners and

degreasers recommended

for use with pres sure


• Wear pro tec tive clothing

to protect eyes and skin

from con tact with sprayed
