Onboard devices – Foxconn G45M User Manual
Page 43

[RAID] - When you enable RAID, it means all your SATA drives must also support AHCI.
- The Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) specification describes the register
level interface for a Host Controller for Serial ATA. The specification includes a description of
the hardware/software interface between system software and the host controller hardware.
AHCI provides more advanced features including SATA features, but some SATA drives may
not support AHCI, unless they are labeled with AHCI support in its specification.
If your motherboard supporting AHCI, and you have a SATA device, which also supports AHCI,
then you can select IDE option to have fair performance (only PATA, SATA level), or you can
select AHCI to get its best performance.
► SATA#2 Configuration
SATA#2 are the SATA ports 5,6 of the motherboard. This item allows you select the mode of
the SATA ports. Setting values are: [Disabled], [Enhanced].
onboard Devices
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2005, American Megatrends, Inc.
OnBoard Devices
OnBoard LAN
Help Item
OnBoard LAN Boot ROM
OnBoard 1394
USB Functions
HDA Controller
Auto Detect PCI Clock
► Trusted Computing
[Press Enter]
↑↓←→:Move Enter:Select +/-/:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F9:Optimized Defaults
► OnBoard LAN
This item is used to enable or disable the onboard LAN controller.
► OnBoard LAN Boot ROM
This item is used to enable or disable the onboard LAN boot optional ROM. A LAN boot ROM
lets you set up a diskless workstation on the network. By installing a boot ROM in the network
board, you can enable a client PC system on the network to be booted remotely.
► OnBoard 1394
This item is used to enable or disable the onboard 1394 devices.
► USB Functions
This item is used to enable or disable USB function.
► HDA Controller
This item is used to enable or disable the HD Audio Controller.
► Auto Detect PCI Clock
This option is used to auto detect PCI slots. When enabled, the system will turn off clock of the
empty PCI slot to reduce EMI (Electromagnetic Interference).