O.c. configuration – Foxconn G45M User Manual
Page 33

O.C. Configuration
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2005, American Megatrends, Inc.
O.C. Configuration
Spread Spectrum
Help Item
CPU Clock
PCI Express Clock
CPU: DRAM Clock Ratio
Target Memory Speed
*********** Over Clock Step Up***********
Start CPU Clock: 333MHz
Next CPU Clock: 338MHz
Step of Setup Over Clock
[ 5]
Run Setup Over Clock
[Press Enter]
↑↓←→:Move Enter:Select +/-/:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F9:Optimized Defaults
► Spread Spectrum
If you enabled this function, it can significantly reduce the EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)
generated by the system, so to comply with FCC regulation. But if overclocking is activated,
you had better disable it.
► CPU Clock
This option is used to adjust the CPU clock.
► PCI Express Clock
This option is used to adjust the speed of PCI Express slot. It may enhance the graphics card
► CPU:DRAM Clock Ratio
This option is used to select the clock ratio between CPU and DRAM. The normal memory
speed of DDR2 is equal to twice that of DRAM clock.
[Auto]: Set CPU:DRAM clock ratio automatically according to the range of CPU clock.
[Disabled]: Set CPU:DRAM ratio as real ratio.
You also can select the CPU:DRAM ratio manually through the options: [1:1.25], [1:1.66],
[1:1], [1:0.83].
***********over Clock Step Up***********
► Start CPU Clock
This displays the current CPU clock value under overclocking test.
► Next CPU Clock
This displays the next CPU clock value which will be used in overclocking test.
► Status
This displays the overclocking state. It can be “Running“ or ”Stopped.”.
► Step of Setup Over Clock
This is the clock step increment when running overclock test. It is implemented in running
“Run Setup Over Clock” option, that CPU will start its overclocking by stepping this value.
Item value ranges from 1 to 15. You can change the value by pressing keys [+]/[-] or
inputting the value directly.