Foxconn 760GXK8MC User Manual
Page 43

Chapter 3 BIOS Description
PM Wake Up Events Menu
RING Power Up Control
If this option is enable, it allows the system to resume from a software power
down or power saving mode whenever there is an incoming call to an in-
stalled fax/modem. This function needs to be supported by the relevant hard-
ware and software. The setting values are Disabled and Enabled.
MACPME Power Up Control
This option is used to enable or disable the system to be waken up by onboard
PCIPME Power Up Control
This option is used to enable or disable the system to be waken up by PCI
PS2KB Wakeup from S3/S4/S5
This option is used to set which action will wake up PS/2 keyboard from S3/
S4/S5 status. The hot key is Alt+Ctrl+Backspace.The setting values are Any
Key, Hot Key, Password.
PS2MS Wakeup from S3/S4/S5
This option is used to set which action will wake up PS/2 mouse from S3/S4/
S5 status. The setting values are Disabled, Click, Move & Click.
Power Up by Alarm
This option is used to set the timing of the start-up function. In order to use this
function, the start-up password function must be canceled. Also, the PC power
source must not be turned off. The setting values are Disabled and Enabled.
Month Alarm
This option is used to set the timing for the start-up month. The setting values
contain 1 - 12 and NA.