Limitorque mxa safety functions – Flowserve MX Electronic Actuator SIL Safety IOM User Manual
Page 14

Limitorque MX Electronic Actuator FCD LMENIM2350-01 – 9/13
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Limitorque MXa Safety
5.1 Emergency Shutdown Open (ESD-Open)
A remote, external ESD signal may be applied to the actuator to move the valve to the OPEN position through predeter-
mined, user-configured shutdown position, overriding existing control signals.
5.2 Emergency Shutdown Close (ESD-Close)
A remote, external ESD signal may be applied to the actuator to move the valve to the CLOSE position through predeter-
mined, user-configured shutdown position, overriding existing control signals.
5.3 Emergency Shutdown ‘Move To’ (ESD-Position)
A remote, external ESD signal may be applied to the actuator to move the valve to a target position through predeter-
mined, user-configured target position, overriding existing control signals.
5.4 Emergency Shutdown Stop (ESD-Stop)
A remote, external ESD signal may be applied to the actuator to stop in place, overriding existing control signals.
5.5 Emergency Shutdown Ignore (ESD-Ignore)
A remote, external ESD signal may be applied to the actuator to ignore, thus remaining responsive to any other existing
control signals.