Flowserve 3400IQ User Manual

Page 9

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Logix 3400IQ Digital Positioner FCD LGENIM3403-00 – 11/07

The next four sections detail what parameters must be set to within the Logix 3400IQ digital positioner’s
function blocks to control the positioner on a Fieldbus network. It is not meant to be a detailed description of
the function blocks or their parameters. See the Logix 3400IQ Digital Positioner Installation & Reference
and FF documentation for more details.

Resource Block (RB)

Figure 6: Resource Block Windows

All function blocks have a MODE_BLK
parameter. Out Of Service (OOS) means the
function block is not executing. FF
specifications require that the Resource block
be in Auto mode before any of the other
function blocks will exit the OOS mode.

To put the Resource block in Auto, open the
Resource block window and find the
MODE_BLK parameter. Double-click on
TARGET. Select Auto and uncheck OOS.
Click the Write button on the tool bar.

An asterisk should appear next to TARGET;
this indicates that the value has not yet been
written. Wait for the asterisk to go away,
indicating the value has been written. Click on
the Read button until the ACTUAL field reads
Auto. The Resource block is now in Auto

Other noteworthy parameters found in the
Resource block are:

RESTART: Processor will reset both the
fieldbus and positioner card, similar to cycling
power. Selection of this will cause the device
to drop off the network and then come back

REVSION_ARRY: Three elements exist in
REVISION_ARRAY. Element number 1
(closest to the top) is the
Fieldbus (Honeywell) Embedded Software
version. Element number 2 is the Fieldbus
Stack Revision level. The final element is the
Positioner Embedded Code revision.

MANUFAC_ID: This should always equal a
0x00464c53 (4607059) (this is Flowserve’s FF
Manufacturer ID number). Converting this
number to ASCII will produce FLS.

DEV_TYPE: This will be 0x0202. This tells the
Configurator that the device is a Logix 3400IQ
digital positioner.

DEV_REV: This is the revision level of the

DD_REV: This is the revision level of the DDs.

To create the directory structure for a device, go to the DD base directory listed in the NIFBUS Config. In
that directory create a sub-directory that matches the last six digits of the hexadecimal number listed in