Flowserve 3400IQ User Manual
Page 10

Logix 3400IQ Digital Positioner FCD LGENIM3403-00 – 11/07
MANUFAC_ID. Do not include the ‘0x’ hexadecimal identifier. Next create a subdirectory in the
MANUFAC_ID directory that matches the DEV_TYPE hexadecimal numbers. This directory should be four
digits. Do not include the ‘0x’ identifier. The DDs are installed in the DEV_TYPE directory. Two exist for each
device. Their name is a hexadecimal four-digit name made from the combination of DEV_REV and DD_REV
with the file extensions [dev_rev|dd_rev].sys and [dev_rev|dd_rev].ffo. Go to the Windows Explorer tool to
see the Logix 3400IQ digital positioner directory structure, and compare it to the data listed above.
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
Honeywell designs this function block to perform PID loop control. It is not needed to operate the positioner.
Some of its features will be discussed in the Configuring the FF Network section. For more information, refer
to the Logix 3400IQ Digital Positioner Installation & Reference Guide or contact Honeywell.
Analog Out (AO)
When in an active control loop, the Logix 3400IQ digital positioner receives its command signal into the AO
block. When not running in an active control loop, the Logix 3400IQ digital positioner can be controlled from
the AO block or the FVPTB block. To control the Logix 3400IQ digital positioner from the AO block, the block
must be in manual mode. To get this block out of OOS, set the following parameters in the AO block.
SHED_OPT = NormalShed_NormalReturn
Click the write button to apply. Use Read or Periodic Update to verify the changes have taken place. Now try
to set the MODE_BLK: TARGET to Man (manual). If it won’t exit the OOS mode and CHANNEL and
SHED_OPT are both correct, the AO block needs to be scheduled (executed).
To schedule the AO block, double-click the Function Block Application option in the main (left) window of the
Configurator. Click and drag the AO block into the Function Block Application Window. Next, from the menu
bar, select Configure/Download Configuration option.
A. Click to open Function Block application window B. Drag AO function block into the Function
Block Application window C. Function Block Application Window
Figure 7: Function Block Window