Calibration, Calibration procedure – Flowserve PMV P4 User Manual
Page 13
P4/P5/EP5 is when shipped from PMV pre-
calibrated for 90
±0,5 deg rotation, (can also
be 30, 45 or 60 deg, see installed cam). For
most applications the valve closed position
is more critical than valve open position,
most attention should be paid at valve closed
position. Always start calibration procedure
by applying 0 % input signal, then adjusting
zero. P4/P5/EP5 is calibrated by turning
thumb wheels 1 & 4.
Arrows on arm 5 indicate turning direction
of thumb wheels.
< “+“ = Increase zero/span
> “–“ = Decrease zero/span
Calibration procedure
Check cam seating, section 6 before starting
calibration procedure.
1. Apply 0 % input signal (0% =
20 kPa/3 psi or 4 mA)
2. Wait for steady state.
3. Adjust zero by turning the silver (lower)
thumb wheel 4 with finger or with screw-
driver 7 from the outside.
4. Apply 100% input signal (100% =
100 kPa/ 15 psi or 20 mA)
5. Wait for steady state then memorize
6. Apply 0% input signal.
7. Adjust span if necessary. This is done by
first loosing screw 2, then turning the
yellow (upper) thumb wheel 1 “+“ or
“–“ and finally tighten screw 2. Spring
top must not be in contact with spring
guide 3.
8. Check zero and adjust if needed.
9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 until desired
calibration is achieved.
7. Calibration