10 hydraulic, mechanical and electrical duty – Flowserve BP User Manual
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c) In case that the pump starts up automatically,
open the discharge valve or minimum flow line so
as not to operate at shut-off.
d) Keep pump warmed at all times. Refer to 5.6.2
Warming for further details.
e) Maintain cooling water and/or external flushing
liquid as required.
f) Confirm by hand that pump rotor turns smoothly
every week.
g) It is recommended to operate the pump once a
month in order to confirm normal operation.
5.10 Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical
This product has been supplied to meet the performance
specifications of your purchase order, however it is
understood that during the life of the product these may
change. The following notes may help the user decide
how to evaluate the implications of any change. If in
doubt contact your nearest Flowserve office.
5.10.1 Specific gravity (SG)
Pump capacity and total head in metres (feet) do not
change with SG, however pressure displayed on a
pressure gauge is directly proportional to SG. Power
absorbed is also directly proportional to SG. It is
therefore important to check that any change in SG
will not overload the pump driver or over-pressurize
the pump.
5.10.2 Viscosity
For a given flow rate the total head reduces with
increased viscosity and increases with reduced
viscosity. Also for a given flow rate the power
absorbed increases with increased viscosity, and
reduces with reduced viscosity. It is important that
checks are made with your nearest Flowserve office if
changes in viscosity are planned.
5.10.3 Pump speed
Changing pump speed effects flow, total head, power
absorbed, NPSH
, noise and vibration. Flow varies in
direct proportion to pump speed, head varies as speed
ratio squared and power varies as speed ratio cubed.
The new duty, however, will also be dependent on the
system curve. If increasing the speed, it is important
therefore to ensure the maximum pump working
pressure is not exceeded, the driver is not overloaded,
, and that noise and vibration are
within local requirements and regulations.
5.10.4 Net positive suction head (NPSHA)
NPSH available (NPSH
) is a measure of the head
available in the pumped liquid, above its vapour
pressure, at the pump suction branch.
NPSH required (NPSH
) is a measure of the head
required in the pumped liquid, above its vapour
pressure, to prevent the pump from cavitating. It is
important that NPSH
. The margin between
should be as large as possible.
If any change in NPSH
is proposed, ensure these
margins are not significantly eroded. Refer to the
pump performance curve to determine exact
requirements particularly if flow has changed.
If in doubt please consult your nearest Flowserve
office for advice and details of the minimum allowable
margin for your application.
5.10.5 Pumped flow
Flow must not fall outside the minimum and
maximum continuous safe flow shown on the pump
performance curve and or data sheet.