Flowserve M Slurry User Manual
Page 46

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the pump and driver must be uncoupled prior to
adjusting the clearance in order to permit free
movement. Before doing so, ensure that the impeller
is free to rotate. Settled slurry will make impeller
adjustment difficult. The casing may have to be
flushed to remove heavy slurry.
a) Loosen the eight (8) cartridge hold down bolts
located on the side of the cartridge [3122].
b) Move the cartridge towards the pump suction by
adjusting the screw on the adjusting assembly
which is mounted on the pedestal between
adjacent ribs until the impeller makes contact with
the suction side wearplate. It is advisable to rotate
shaft/impeller while making the adjustment as the
first sign of contact will signify zero clearance. If
the impeller can not be rotated the cartridge
should be adjusted backwards until the impeller is
just making contact. Place a dial indicator on to
the shaft end or bearing cartridge and set
indicator to zero.
c) Determine the required impeller axial running
clearance from Section I and add this to the above
measurement to establish the required gap
setting. Adjust the cartridge/shaft away from the
casing until the desired reading is achieved.
d) Tighten the hold down bolts on the cartridge side
flanges in accordance with tables in 6.6.
d) Manually rotate the shaft to ensure that there is no
rubbing or binding.
e) On belt driven units, adjust the pump or driver
sheave to maintain belt alignment.