First Co UC-HW (without installed pump) User Manual

Page 4

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****** WARNING ******

• Always wear eye protection.
• When fan coil is operating,
some components are operating
at high speeds. Personal injury
can result from touching these
items with any object
• All electrical and service
access panels must be returned
and secured in their proper
• Clear surrounding area of all
tools, equipment and debris.
• Check the entire unit to ensure
it's cleanliness.

NOTE: It may require purging sever-
al gallons of water so have a means
of discarding the water.

• Install all panels.
• Install any fi lters which may have
been removed during the installation

Start-up and Maintenance

Before start-up, all of the components

should be given a thorough check. Opti-
mal operation of this equipment requires
cleanliness. Often after installlation of
this equipment additional construction
activities occur. Care must be taken to
protect the equipment from debris during
these construction phases.


The fan should be inspected and

cleaned, in conjunction with mainte-
nance of the motor and bearings. It is
important to keep the wheel clean in
order to avoid imbalance and vibration.


Check motor connections to ensure

that they are secure and made in accor-
dance with the wiring diagram.
The blower motor should be cleaned


Any dust or other contaminants which

accumulate on the heat transfer surfaces
interferes with the air fl ow and impairs
heat transfer. The coil must be kept clean
by any of the following methods.
• Cleaning with low pressure com-
pressed air.
• Flushing or rinsing with water (a deter-
gent is advisable for greasy surfaces).

****** WARNING ******

The manufacturer does NOT
WARRANT equipment sub-
jected to abuse. Metal chips,
dust, drywall tape, paint over
spray, etc. can void warran-
ties and liability for equip-
ment failure, personal injury
and property damage.

Drain Piping

The drain should always be:

• Connected or piped to an acceptable

disposal point sloped away from the
unit at least 1/8" per foot

• Checked before summer operation
• Periodically checked during summer


Preventative Maintenance

To achieve maximum performance and

service life of each piece of equipment a
formal schedule of regular maintenance
should be established and maintained by
a licensed contractor.



Fill the water heater. Open a hot
water faucet while fi lling the water
heater to vent the air. When the tank
is full and all the air is purged, close
the faucet.

2) Ignite the water heater and set the

thermostat to 140 degrees.

3) Purge the air handler's hot water coil

and lines.

NOTE: It may require purging sev-
eral gallons of water so either have
a bucket available or a means of
discarding the water.

Close valve number 2 and open valve
number 3. (See fi gure 4 ) Next, open
the air bleed valve. When all of the air
is purged from the lines close valve
number 3 and open valve number 2.
After all the air is purged from the coil
and lines, open both valve number 1
and 2 and close the air bleed valve.

****** WARNING ******

To prevent pump damage,

the fan coil unit should not
be energized for heating un-
til the hot water coil and all
water lines have been purged
of air.

The pump should energize and begin
circulating the hot water through the
coil. If the pump is operating properly
and the water temperature in the wa-
ter heater has reached the set point,
then the hot water inlet at the fan coil
unit will be hot. If the pump is running
but hot water is not circulating, open
the air bleed valve long enough to
purge any remaining air from the hot
water lines and coil. This will allow the
pump to begin circulating hot water.

****** WARNING ******

Hot water can cause scald-
ing. A hot water mixing valve
can be applied to the system
to temper domestic water

5) The water heater thermostat should

be adjusted so that the water temper-
ature entering the hot water coil is as
close to 140 degrees as possible with
the system energized and operating
long enough for all temperatures to

(If Flow Control Module is in-

Disconnect electrical power before

servicing the unit.

To replace the circulator pump, close

the isolation valves and relieve the water
pressure within the heating loop. Dis-
connect the pump's 115 volt power lines
within the control box and remove the
four hex head screws securing the pump
motor to the pump's volute.

Reverse the above steps for reas-

sembling the pump, however make sure
that the pump or volute has the rubber
o-ring in place before assembling.

4) Switch the room thermostat to the

"Heat" position and raise the tem-
perature setting to a position ap-
proximately ten degrees above room


The air fi lter should be cleaned or re-

placed every 30 days or more frequently
if severe conditions exist. Always replace
the fi lter with the same type as originally