Existing thawspace – Faronics Deep Freeze Enterprise User Manual
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Drives Tab
Deep Freeze Enterprise User Guide
3. Select the ThawSpace storage unit in MB or GB.
4. Select the Host Drive.
— The Host Drive is the drive where the ThawSpace is created.
— The storage required for the ThawSpace is used from the total storage available on the Host
5. Select Visible or Hidden from the Visibility drop-down.
— If you select Visible, the drive will be visible in Windows Explorer.
— If you select Hidden, the drive will not be visible in Windows Explorer.
— However, the hidden drive can be accessed by typing the drive letter in Start>Run.
6. Click Add to add the ThawSpace.
Removing a ThawSpace
To remove a ThawSpace, select the ThawSpace and click Remove. The ThawSpace is removed and
the drive letter is now added back to the Drive Letter drop-down. Click Remove All to remove all
the ThawSpaces.
In the above screen, a ThawSpace of 16 MB is created on the Host Drive C: and the ThawSpace is
designated with the drive letter T:. The ThawSpace T: is set to Visible and can be accessed via the
Windows Explorer.
Existing ThawSpace
The Retain existing Thawspace check box is selected by default to prevent ThawSpaces created
during previous installations from being deleted.
A dialog is always displayed asking if the ThawSpace should be retained or deleted during an
Attended Uninstall, regardless of whether Retain existing ThawSpace has been selected. This
option is not displayed if the uninstall is performed through the Enterprise Console.
The Honor Group Policy settings for Hidden Drives ensures that the Group Policy settings for
hidden drives do not conflict with the Deep Freeze settings for hidden drives.
Hidden drive settings for Group Policies are user-specific. Hidden drive settings for Deep Freeze
are global if the Honor Group Policy settings for Hidden Drives option is disabled.
Before removing a ThawSpace, remove any profile redirections or Symbolic Links.
Removing a ThawSpace will also remove the data stored in it.
A ThawSpace is not protected by Deep Freeze. Deploy standard data protection
options such as, Anti-Virus and backup procedures.
It is recommended to assign Drive Letters towards the end of the alphabet (X, Y,
Z) in order to avoid automatic reassignment when a removable drive is