Faronics Deep Freeze Enterprise User Manual
Page 22

Deep Freeze Enterprise User Guide
Installing Deep Freeze
The update command does not require a password, but does require a Customization Code. Use
the following command syntax:
\PathToFile\DFEnt.exe /update=”Customization Code” c:\dfupdate.log
PathToFile must be replaced with the actual path to the installation file (DFEnt.exe)
DFEnt.exe must be the actual name of the installation file (it may differ if it was downloaded)
Customization Code must be in quotes if there is a space in it
Customization Code must match the old installation files’ Customization Code
The log file provides full details of exactly which files were updated.
The update process may take a few minutes to complete.
Update Mode does not update the existing version of Deep Freeze on computers. Computers must
be updated using the Enterprise Console.