Faronics Deep Freeze Enterprise User Manual
Page 116

Deep Freeze Enterprise User Guide
Managing Anti-Virus
Workstation Settings node>Log Actions
— Logging Level- select the logging level. Select None for no logging. Select Error to log the
error message. Select Trace for trace. Select Verbose for detailed logging.
— Number of logging files - specify the number of logging files. The logging information is
stored in the files serially. For example, if there are 3 files A,B and C, Faronics Anti-Virus
first writes the error logs to file A. Once file A is full, it starts writing to file B and finally file
C. Once file C is full, the data in file A is erased and new logging data is written to it.
— File size - Select the size of each file in MB.
— Workstation system event report level - Select None, Error, Warning or Information.
— Delete items from quarantine that are older than - specify the number of days to retain
items in quarantine. The default is 3 days.