Introduction – ESI KeyControl 25 XL User Manual

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KeyControl 25 XL



1. Introduction

Thank you for purchasing KeyControl 25 XL.

KeyControl 25 XL is a compact 25-key keyboard, perfect for live usage on stage and in studios.
The new versatile MIDI controller can be used immediately after it has been connected to a sound
device or to a computer. You can connect KeyControl 25 XL to your Macintosh or PC via a simple
USB connection. No additional power supply is required, no drivers have to be installed.

KeyControl 25 XL offers numerous controllers: it has a pitch bend and modulation wheel, 4 knobs,
a fader and various buttons. The 4 knobs can even be assigned twice, just switch between the two
banks by pushing a button. Of course all controllers work in real time. If you are looking for a small
and affordable controller keyboard and you don't need more than 25 keys, KeyControl 25 XL is the
solution for you.

Please note that this document covers the basics of the KeyControl 25 XL installation as well as the
usage of the various built-in functions. However, this manual is not intended to explain the basics
about MIDI, MIDI controller messages, MIDI programs, MIDI channels or anything about typical
audio-/MIDI sequencing software. If you need to get more information about MIDI (i.e. you don’t
know what a MIDI controller actually is for example), a good start is usually the manual of your
notation or sequencing software (i.e. the included Cubase LE 4.0). In addition there are a lot of
details about MIDI on the Internet. A good technical resource and great starting point is, some details are typically also provided in various forums about audio / MIDI and
home recording.

Note: the manual from time to time refers to preset numbers (always in Courier font). Chapter 5
contains a reference table in section 5.1 with various MIDI controllers and other parameters that
can be assigned to controller knobs, the slider, modulation wheel and data buttons. Every time you
see a number or reference in Courier, it refers to that table.