EM Acoustics MSE-159SP self-powered fullrange loudspeaker User Manual
Page 19

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MSE-159SP User Manual
v1.0 May 2012
main section of the VFA-159 bracket.
The VFA-159 bracket works on the centre of gravity of the MSE-159SP. The lone hole in
the centre of the VFA bracket will mean the MSE-159SP enclosure will hang level. Moving
the pickup point to the rear of the enclosure will add down-tilt, and moving to the front of
the enclosure will apply up-tilt. Each notch represents 5-degrees of angle, so by taking
the weight of the loudspeaker the angle can easily be changed. The VFA-159 will allow a
maximum of 25 degrees of up-tilt and 30 degrees of down-tilt. For more extreme down-
tilt angles, select the rearmost notch and use the M8 point on the rear of the enclosure as
a pull-back.
Ensure that an eyebolt is secured to one of the rear points on the MSE-159SP (M8 at the
rear) or one of the top points (M10 on top or bottom) to use as a secondary safety.