Before you begin – Echo Bear Cat SC2206 User Manual
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Before You Begin
DeAr eCHo BeAr CAT CusTomer
thank you for purchasing a ECHo bear Cat product. the ECHo bear Cat line is designed, tested, and manufactured
to give years of dependable performance. To keep your machine operating at peak efficiency, it is necessary to adjust
it correctly and make regular inspections. the following pages will assist you in the operation and maintenance of your
machine. Please read and understand this manual before operating your machine.
if you have any questions or comments about this manual, please call us toll-free at 1-800-247-7335.
if you have any questions or problems with your machine, please call or write your local authorized ECHo bear Cat
this document is based on information available at the time of its publication. ECHo bear Cat is continually making
improvements and developing new equipment. in doing so, we reserve the right to make changes or add improvements
to our product without obligation for equipment previously sold.
PleAse senD us Your wArrAnTY CArD
A warranty card is included in your owner's kit packaged with your machine. Please take the time to fill in the information
requested on the card. When you send your completed card to us, we will register your machine and start your
coverage under our limited warranty.
How To ConTACT eCHo BeAr CAT
237 nW 12th street
P.o. box 849
West Fargo, nD 58078
Fax: 701.282.9522
Monday - Friday,
8 am to 5 pm
Central time
serIAl numBer
ManuFaCturED by Crary inDustriEs
ManuFaCturED in u.s.a.
WEst Fargo, nortH DaKota 58078 u.s.a.
sErial nuMbEr
© 2009, Crary inDustriEs, all rigHts rEsErvED. ProDuCED anD PrintED in tHE u.s.a.
serIAl numBer loCATIon
Please record the serial number in the space provided and
on the warranty and registration card.
orDerInG PArTs
only genuine ECHo bear Cat replacement parts should
be used to repair the machine. replacement parts
manufactured by others could present safety hazards,
even though they may fit on this machine. Replacement
parts are available from your ECHo bear Cat dealer.
provide the following when ordering parts:
the sErial nuMbEr of your machine.
the Part nuMbEr of the part.
the Part DEsCriPtion.
the Quantity needed.
For mACHIne serVICe or PArTs:
For service assistance, contact your nearest authorized
ECHo bear Cat dealer or the factory. For parts, contact
your authorized dealer. your dealer will need to know the
serial number of your machine to provide the most efficient
service. see below for information on how to identify and
record the serial number for your machine.
For enGIne serVICe or PArTs:
For engine service or parts, contact your nearest authorized
engine dealer. ECHo bear Cat does not handle any parts,
repairs or warranties for engines.
*original instructions