Digital Alert Systems DASDEC-II QUICK START UP GUIDE User Manual
Page 30

Quick Start Guide for Your DASDEC II
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Step 8 – Set-up Station Interface and Required Tests
After the DASDEC-II’s Base Station configuration has been completed you can begin to
configure a “Station Interface” for each station. Station Interface Configuration allows you to
set which audio output and GPIO your station will use as well as controlling which EAS
events will be forwarded.
Log into your DASDEC-II by launching an Internet browser and typing the IP Address of your
DASDEC-II into the browsers address bar. Enter the User Name “Admin” and then enter the
password for the Admin account. Then click the “Login” button.
After logging in Click on the “Setup” tab (circled in red), then click on the “Encoder” radio
button (circled in blue) and then click on the tab “General” (circled in green).
3) Under
Main Encoder Configuration section, make sure that the EAS Station ID is the
same as the Forwarding station ID which is located at Setup > Decoder > Forwarding. If
they are not the same, a red box will show up (as shown in the next screen shot) and it will
tell you to edit one so it is the same as the other. This should be the ID of your station. If the
station names are the same, skip to part 7 of this step.