Appendix a, How to update wince image, Demo application program – DFI KS200 Manual User Manual
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Appendix A
Appendix A Software Support
How to update WinCE Image
Load OS image through SD card. Please follow the flow below:
1. Please prepare a SD card (the capacity must be more than 64MB), and insert your card into
the computer.
2. Execute “TI SDCard boot Utility” (in Tool folder) to create a boottable SD card.
• Select the corresponding disks of SD card reader.
• Select the file named “MLO” from folder “..\Demo Image\SD boot” in “Second Step”.
• Select the file named “EBOOTSD.nb0, logo.bmp” from folder “..\Demo Image\SD boot” in
“Third Step”.
• Press the “processed“ button. It will copy all the files that you need to SD card.
3. The SD card is bootable now. Copy the file named “log.nb0, XLDRNAND.bin, EBOOTND.bin
and NK.bin” to SD card from “..\Demo Image\NAND boot”.
4. Open the terminal and set the following section “COM Port, 115200/8/None/1/None”.
Connect RS232 cable to COM1 of TS200.
5. Check DIP Switch(SW3). PIN1 and PIN4 must be “ON”, and others are “OFF”. After inserting
the SD card, you can turn on the TS200 power.
6. Check and modify the selection “[2] Select Boot Device” that is selected “[3] NK from SD
card FILE”.
7. You can see counter strings in terminal. Please press “space” in 5 seconds, and follow the
steps below:
Download logo.nb0, XLDRNAND.bin, EBOOTND.bin:
• Select [5] “SD Card Settings”.
• Select [2] “Enter Filename”. Type the file name “EX: logo.nb0” in the terminal and press enter.
• Select [0] ”Exit and Continue” back to main menu.
• Select [0] “Exit and Continue” will download the selected files.
• Reboot TS200, and follow the steps to download each file.
Download NK.bin:
• Select [8] “Flash Management”.
• Select [8] “Enable flashing NK.bin”.
• Type “y” in the terminal and press enter.
• Select [0] “Exit and Continue” will back to main menu.
• Select [0] “Exit and Continue” will download files.
• Until boot in WinCE desk, reboot TS200.
Demo Application Program
DFI provides some Application Programs in TS200, including the following items:
− Watch dog (WDT)
AP path: My Device\Windows\.
TS200 provides 12 GPIO Pins. (Six are the Input Pins; six are the Output Pins)
Path : My Device\Windows\GPIO_GUI
Application Program Description
DIGITAL INPUT – Show the state of the six pins. If the input signal to High (5V), the AP
will show “1”. If the input signal to Low, the AP will show “0”.
DIGITAL OUTPUT - Set the state of the six output pins. If the output signal is High (5V),
please set “1” in AP. If the output signal is Low, please set “0” in AP.