Devolo MicroLink 56k Fun LAN User Manual

Page 13

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Connection and Startup



devolo MicroLink 56k Fun LAN



this icon and selecting Connect from the drop-down list. To end the connec-
tion, select Disconnect.

If this icon does not appear on your screen, please open Network Preferences
and make sure that the box next to 'Show PPPoE status in menu bar' is
checked under the PPPoE tab.

If you have problems with the connection, please check the settings of the
firewall under System Preferences > Sharing > Firewall.

Linux (SuSE 9.0)

The PPPoE driver can not be configured from a graphical interface on SuSE
Linux 9.0 systems. Instead, configure the PPPoE driver using the console.

Installing the PPPoE


ቢ Start up YAST and select

Install/Remove software

ባ Search for “pppoeand, from the results, select the rp-pppoe package.

Alternatively, you can download the required drivers from the web site http:/
/ and install them manually.

Setting up the
PPPoE driver


ቤ Start up a console as 'root' and run the 'adsl-setup' command. You are

then prompted to enter the following information:


'PPPoE user name': The user name assigned by your provider.


'Ethernet Interface': Ethernet interface connected to the modem, e.g.


'Connect on Demand': If you would like the connection to be active
only when you need it, and automatically disconnect after being idle
for a certain amount of time, enter that time in seconds here. If you
want to connect and disconnect manually, enter 'no' here. We recom-
mend this setting particularly when using dynamic IPs.


'ISP's primary DNS Server': Enter the address of the Internet pro-
vider's DNS server here.