Routing the lift lines – Daktronics Hoist Installation Manual User Manual
Page 13

Figure 27:
Alternating hoist layout
Multi-line block
Batten attachment point
Single line sheave
Figure 28:
Double purchase block
Figure 29: Attaching lift line wire rope
Due to wider I-beam fl ange on some
installations, the Loft Blocks may contain a
spacer located against the inside surface of the
Loft Block hooks. These spacers will rest against
the I-beams once tightened. Some adjustment
may be necessary to center the cable drop
under the main web of the beam.
Figure 27 shows alternating hoists in one
possible layout. In this configuration, it may be
easier to install the opposing loft blocks prior
to installing the adjacent hoist. Some Vortek
hoist configurations maximize lifting capacities
by using double purchased loft blocks. A “2”
after the model number, such as P-12180-2 or
S2020-2 will designate these Vortek hoists.
Figure 28 is a double purchase multi-line
loft block, single line sheave at the batten
connection and a dead-off attachment point at
the I-beam.
Routing the Lift Lines
The Vortek hoists have up to 7 lift lines per
batten. Depending on the installation, all lift
lines may come out of the end of the hoist or
there may be one or two cables coming directly
out of the bottom of the unit at either end.
The order of the lift lines coming out of the
end of the hoist start being the shortest lift line
(closest loft block) and the longest lift line is
farthest from the center of the hoist (farthest loft
block). Daktronics ships all wire ropes equal to
the longest length.
Figure 29 illustrates a unit with 5 lines: 2 lines
drop directly out of the hoist and 3 lines come
out of the onstage end. Lift lines 3,4 and 5
come out of the end (L. to R.) as shown.
When running the lift lines into the loft blocks,
start with the wire rope at the center of the
Vortek hoist and run it to the closest loft block.
Do the same with the next wire rope to the next
closest block until all of the wire rope has been
run through the loft blocks.