Daktronics Hoist Installation Manual User Manual

Page 11

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Figure 20:

Beam clamps

Figure 21: Tighten clamps to the backbone

Figure 19: Secure I-beam clamps

Figure 22:

Installed hoist

Tighten the clamps until they just contact

the top of the lower fl ange of the I-beam.
At this point, the lifting cables can be
slackened slightly. It is helpful to use a
cordless drill with a wobble extension drive
and socket to tighten beam clamps. Spread
a light lubricant on the bolt threads and
channels before tightening the bolts.

Confi rm the placement of the hoist, and
make any fi nal adjustments by sliding the
hoist upstage or downstage on the I-beam
as needed.

For some installations, this may be the

technique needed to fi t hoists into areas
without enough room to use the installation

If the backbone stiffeners were not
installed earlier, please do so now.

With placement confi rmed, tighten the
beam clamps fi rst by alternating between
the two clamps until the hoist backbone
is contacting the I-beam. Repeat for the
onstage set of beam clamps (Figures 19
and 20).

Tighten the beam clamp bolts to 17-20 ft/lb

As the beam clamps are tightened, the

backbone stiffeners are drawn onto the
I-beam for additional support. The threaded
rod bends and applies constant pressure
to the backbone stiffeners to minimize
vibration and noise.

When all beam clamps are tightened and
torqued to the proper specifications, the
5/16 x 18 socket head screws on the
sliding beam clamps must be tightened
to 10 ft/lb, securing the clamps to the
backbone (Figure 21).

With the hoist in place on the I-beam,
tighten the set screws on the two backbone
stiffener clamps.

Upon completion, the installed Vortek hoist will
look similar to Figure 22.