DigiTech GSP1101 User Manual
Page 13

Rear Panel
GSP0 Owner’s Manual
The XLR outputs are designed to connect to a recording device or mixing console.
These outputs always have speaker compensation active because they are intended to
be connected to a full a range audio system. These outputs can have a fixed output
level (+4dBu or –10dBV) or their level can be variably controlled using the front panel
Output Level control. See page 44 for information about setting these options.
If you hear humming or buzzing in the mixer outputs, pressing this button may stop it.
This switch lifts pin 1 of the XLR Mixer Outputs from all ground references. This may
help break troublesome ground loops that cause hum in the system, especially when
both XLR and 1/4” outputs are used together.
These 1/4” outputs can be plugged into a guitar amplifier or into a mixer or recording
device. The front panel Output Level knob controls their level. See page 9 for
information about the several output options available for the Line Outputs.
Use these inputs (along with the Send.output) to create an effects or preamp loop.
The GSP1101 Loop provides a mono send/stereo return signal path for use with
external effects devices or preamps. When used as an effects loop, it behaves as an
on/off serial loop path for an external effects device. When used as a preamp loop, the
GSP1101 can switch in an external guitar preamp or use the internal amp modeling
preamp. See page 45 for information on configuring the Loop.
Optimizes gain structure of effects loop return for use with different external devices.
When set correctly, this switch improves the noise and distortion performance of the
loop return.
When pushed in, sets the gain for use with line level (+4 dBu nominal) devices. The
Return gain is reduced. When this switch is in the out position, it sets the gain for -10
dBV (nominal) external devices (commonly battery powered or guitar amplifier units)
and the Return gain is increased. Loop send is always –10dBV nominal.
This output sends signal to your effects or to the input of a preamp (see #11 above).